Spedizione in Italia e nel mondo

Our products

Quality Piacenza wines that are distinctive, pleasing and suitable for every occasion. The different wines produced under the Cantine Campana label have been created to enable everyone to enjoy Piacenza’s traditional wines, every day. Produced and packaged for lovers of good drinking, the Ho.Re.Ca. sector or large-scale distribution, all our bottles are created with a single aim, expressed in different forms: to offer an enjoyable tasting experience in a glass of wine that you will remember.

Vini nobili

Traditional grapes from the Piacenza area and technologically advanced processes in the cellar produce characteristic wines with an international profile. This is how the “Vini Nobili” or Noble Wines of Cantine Campana are created as the flagship of the company’s production.

Elegant sparkling wines, fine red wines aged in wood, an inebriating passito: these special wines express the maximum potential of hills that have traditionally produced wines that enchant and captivate the most refined palates.

These Vini Nobili are a symbol of elegance and timeless personality that enhance dining on the most special occasions. They can accompany complex and structured dishes or be enjoyed before or after a meal.


Nice to meet you, Piacenza! The wines of Cantine Campana’s “Tradizione”, or Tradition line, fully express the distinctive characteristics of Piacenza winemaking.

A predominantly sparkling soul, young and fruity aromas, full and rounded flavours: Piacenza wines to be enjoyed every day with joy and a light heart. They pair perfectly with the traditional dishes of our local cuisine that combines simplicity with rich flavours.

From Gutturnio to Ortrugo, from Malvasia to Barbera to Bonarda. Each native wine is a microcosm of flavours that recounts a precious part of Piacenza’s story.

Nato bio

La linea “Nato Bio” di Cantine Campana propone vini piacentini biologici certificati.

Frutto della natura e in sintonia con essa, il vino è da sempre un prodotto della terra, che nasce da grappoli che guardano il cielo, vero custode di ogni raccolto. Cura artigianale della vigna, pieno rispetto dei cicli naturali, ritorno alle origini: nascono così vini biologici dal sapore autentico e genuino.

The protruding cork stopper is a distinctive feature that recalls the wines that were once produced: sincere, rustic and heartfelt.

Dante 45

The “Dante 45” line was created to celebrate the company’s first forty-five years and pay tribute to our founder, Dante Giò Maria Campana. In 1972, he decided to transform his passion for wine into a profession, destined to become a lifelong mission.

The wines featured in this special line are Piacenza’s traditional sparkling wines that continue to represent our founder’s great pride and boundless love for the land where he lived.

Four wines with a semi-sparkling soul celebrate his commitment, determination and dedication and remind everyone that even the biggest dreams nurtured deep in our hearts can come true.

Antica Placenzia

“Antica Placenzia” is Cantine Campana’s line for large-scale distribution. Designed and created for those seeking to enjoy a special flavour every day, it offers traditional Piacenza wines in still and semi-sparkling versions. Gutturnio, Barbera, Bonarda, Ortrugo and Malvasia:

E’ possibile trovare i Vini Antica Placenzia nei migliori supermercati.
